How to Find Out Why Someone Was Arrested

How to Find Out Why Someone Was Arrested

When you know that someone was arrested you might be curious about why. You might be wondering if it was a violent crime or something like an escalated parking ticket. In fact, knowing this information can change your entire outlook on someone and help you decide if they’re someone you want to associate with. For this reason, it’s a good idea to learn why someone was arrested, even if it’s nothing more than a morbid curiosity.

The good news is that it’s never been easier to view someone’s arrest records. Read on to learn how to find out why someone was arrested.

Are Arrest Records Public Records?

Arrest records are public records. This means that anyone can look them up with the right tools. It doesn’t matter if the arrest happened yesterday or a few years ago, you shouldn’t have any issues discovering information about someone’s previous arrests. An arrest record is usually part of someone’s criminal record, so you’ll have to look up their record with a background check to view this information. That said, some arrest records might be sealed, so it’s not always possible to see them.

How Long Do Arrest Records Remain Public?

Arrest records aren’t always public. Typically, they can be viewed for a short time leading up to a court case or sentencing, but other times the records might be expunged. In these cases, you won’t be able to see the arrest records without specific clearance and that’s uncommon in the private sector.

The severity of the crime also changes how long arrest records can remain public. For example, misdemeanors and violations won’t appear on a criminal record, while felonies and other serious convictions can remain on a criminal record indefinitely.

That said, some states have limits on non-violent felonies. For example, states like New York have laws that don’t allow you to see arrest records after seven years. In some states, the rule is ten years and in other states, it may be permanent, so keep this in mind when searching for someone’s arrest records.

How to Find Someone’s Arrest Records

Finding someone’s arrest records used to be challenging. However, innovative tools have made the process a breeze. In fact, you might even have some luck running a Google search if you’re looking into a high-profile case. That said, for more niche cases you’re better off running a background check or criminal records search on that individual. Learn more about the best options below.

Free People Lookup Tools

The best way to find someone’s arrest records with the most accuracy is a free people look up tool from a platform like FreePeopleSearch. The process is simple and all you have to do is enter their name to get started. From there, you may need to provide some additional information, but you can view the search results to see if the person you searched for is located there.

The basic report will reveal some basic information about them but the full report will show you everything from their court records to their arrest records. Plus, all of the information you’re looking for is put into one easy place.

Sex Offender Registry

When you need to find information on other types of crime, specifically sexual crimes, you can check the National Sex Offender Registry. These registries track people who have been arrested and convicted of sexual crimes. You can check them to see if someone has a sexual offense if you don’t see any arrest records for anything else. Plus, people remain on these registries permanently, so you should always check them after running a background check on someone.

State Websites

State websites also make it easy to find someone’s arrest records. These aren’t available in every state but most states have them. They function like a search engine, so you can enter the person’s information and scroll through the results. You’ll need to check the state database of the website where the arrest occurred. State websites aren’t always the easiest tools to use, so if you have trouble try using a tool like FreePeopleSearch instead.

Find Out Why Someone Was Arrested Today

In the past, you would have to visit local jurisdictions, and police stations, check public databases, go to public libraries, or use other tools to find someone’s arrest records. While these methods of the past can be effective, you don’t have to use them anymore.

Today, you can leverage a reputable free people lookup tool to find someone’s arrest records in just a handful of minutes. Plus, most of these tools are cheaper than visiting state databases or requesting records in person. Now, you can find out why someone was arrested today without the hassle.