Metox 100ui – Premium product for wrinkle smoothing

For a long period of time, leading cosmetology specialists have been actively using botulinum toxin preparations. They have shown effective results in the fight against expression wrinkles. As you know, expression lines can occur at any age. This results from squinting, a cheerful mood, or individual skin characteristics. Over time, they become more profound, and it is more challenging to get rid of them. Simple cosmetic procedures give  temporary results.

Metox 100ui is a protein-type botulinum neurotoxin. The product is similar to traditional botox and has a high degree of purification. It contains Clostridium Botulinum type A, humane serum albumin, and sodium chloride. Presented in powder form, it is absolutely safe to use.

The drug affects the transmission of nerve impulses between muscle fibers and the nervous system. After the procedure, the muscles in the injection area relax, and wrinkles and folds are smoothed out. The skin becomes smooth and takes on a youthful appearance. Try using this unique product, and you will be satisfied with the result!

Metox: benefits of using the drug

Metox 100ui is produced by the South Korean company Maypharm, which is known worldwide for its quality products. This country has revolutionized the beauty industry, displacing the previously popular products of France and Italy. By introducing innovative technologies into production, Maypharm presents products that have no analogs. The advantages of this product include the following:

  • local effect (the product does not affect other muscles does not change facial expressions);
  • the procedure is entirely painless (due to the content of lidocaine in the drug);
  • excellent tolerability;
  • suitable for use on various areas of the skin (face, neck);
  • instant effect;
  • long-term results (6-9 months).

The facial product was developed considering new R&D standards and using 2nd generation technology. The main advantages of Metox botox are its high purity, maximum efficiency, and stabilizing effect. With the help of the drug, a safe cosmetic procedure is carried out, and the client is guaranteed an effective result without adverse reactions.

Areas of use

Beauty treatments are valued for their quick action and long-lasting results. Today, the prolongation of youth is available to representatives of any financial class. Injecting the drug into some regions of the face and neck can lead to remarkable results. Metox 100ui helps solve the most common problems:

  • improvement of facial symmetry;
  • softening nasolabial folds;
  • improvement of lip contouring;
  • smoothing out crow’s feet;
  • elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • deep wrinkles folds remove on the forehead;

The product is also used to control excessive sweating in various body parts (face, palms, feet, armpits).

Today, the product is actively being studied for the treatment of asymmetry of the masticatory muscles and the reduction of pain in the shoulder muscles.

How to use the drug

At all times, representatives of the charming half of the population have used all kinds of means to maintain beauty and prolong youth. Modern young ladies are luckier thanks to the rapid development of technological and chemical processes since they have access to a vast number of different cosmetic procedures.

It is not enough to buy an effective drug to achieve remarkable results. You need to know how to apply it. Metox 100ui is not recommended for use alone at home. A professional cosmetologist carries out all work with injections in compliance with all established standards. The whole process takes no more than 40 minutes in comfortable conditions.

The Aesthetic result is noticeable within three to seven days after application and lasts for 6–9 months. Depending on the individual characteristics of the client, two or three procedures will be required annually. A cosmetologist determines the need for repeated procedures.

Skin care products and procedures will never be excessive. Use effective options to prolong natural beauty!