What is Tarot Reading and How Can You Do It?
Tarot readings can be extremely personal and intimate experiences for both you and those you read for. Start by considering a question or situation that needs guidance before shuffling and drawing cards in what’s known as a spread.
Your choice of spread depends on both the nature and context of your question and that of the querent.
What is a Tarot Reading?
Questioner shuffling cards before fortune-teller laying them out in a pattern called a spread. There are various spreads, each of which carries its own interpretation; cards placed at specific spots within a spread for specific reasons – each card having its own meaning within it; position also adds nuanced meaning such as when placing cards that typically represent death or hanging up may take on more positive and nuanced meaning in context of other aspects of life such as loss, change and transformation.
At the outset of any reading, it is essential for the reader to create an intention – what they hope to gain from the cards – before beginning. Writing it down helps them focus their mind during reading without becoming distracted by other thoughts or worries. Sometimes it helps to pray beforehand asking for guidance as well as clear and accurate information from tarot cards.
Some may feel nervous about receiving tarot readings because they fear hearing something devastating about their future, but there’s nothing to fear – and a well-trained reader won’t tell you anything that may have adverse repercussions or be harmful to you. Tarot cards offer beautiful symbolism which when utilized correctly can serve as a vehicle for self-reflection and spiritual growth.
Tarot cards can be divided into two main sections; Major Arcana of 22 cards and Minor Arcana with 56 cards. Of these two sections, Major Arcana are more significant in a reading due to representing universal archetypes and themes which affect our lives while Minor Arcana are organized into suits such as Pentacles for material aspects, Cups for emotions, Swords representing intellect conflicts as well as Wands which represent physical energy.
How Does a Tarot Reading Work?
Tarot readings use cards to provide guidance and insight, offering guidance and clarity into life situations and relationships. Before beginning a reading, it’s important to determine your desired goal; this could range from getting an overall view of life to asking specific questions about relationships or finances. You could even consult the cards about specific outcomes or help in handling difficult situations.
Once you know exactly what you want from your deck, the next step should be selecting it. A standard tarot deck contains 78 cards; 22 of which comprise the Major Arcana which symbolize key aspects of life such as love and spirituality; remaining cards can be divided into four suits such as Wands, Cups, Swords or Pentacles depending on its designer – these may also act as additional symbols or represent different aspects of your life.
Although some traditions of Tarot lean more towards prediction, modern practice tarot reading primarily provides insights and guidance. Tarot cards serve as prompts for people who seek readings to uncover hidden motivations or patterns of behavior relating to each other and gain clarity as to their relationships between one another. Typically readings do not reveal anything new – instead simply reminding the querent of things they already knew but had forgotten.
Before beginning reading, it’s important to first ensure your energy and focus are aligned. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the cards in front of you; shuffling can help activate intuition so take the time to shuffle correctly.
Review your question or topic of concern before asking it of the cards. Writing down what you need help with can help ensure clarity for both yourself and the cards. Avoid forcing an answer or being too specific as this can limit their usefulness; asking about relationships like with mother-in-law may not yield as much insight than merely asking about what will happen between them in future years.
Tarot Spreads
Many tarot decks provide various spread options (ways of laying out the cards), and over time you will develop your own. As an introduction, a three-card spread is an ideal starting point. Shuffle the deck and divide into three even piles face down; these often represent past, present and future timelines but can vary depending on what questions are asked during readings. Once complete cut or ask your sitter to cut before arranging between yourself and them (or just in front of yourself in case reading for yourself).
For this spread, the first card depicts their current situation; the second outlines obstacles preventing them from moving forward; and finally the third provides insight into how to overcome any blockages that exist. Finally a fifth card is pulled and placed above them all, showing what the most likely outcome for their situation might be; alternative paths might also present themselves depending on which card comes out last.
For example online tarot platform Tarotoo offers free tarot yes or no spread which is an accessible tarot reading option that helps answer simple queries by asking one card from either set that represents yes or no. While beginner readers might find this form of reading particularly beneficial, more experienced readers might find its limitations in providing more complex analysis of situations limiting.
A Wheel of Fortune spread can provide useful guidance when searching for clarity in an aspect of one’s life. The first two cards represent their assets – for instance, health and happiness would be asset #1 while finance/career would be asset #2 – then subsequent cards reveal any challenges; such as relationship heartache being card 3 while addiction being card 4. Finally, card 6 represents desired results such as new love or promotion at work!
Tarot Cards
Tarot decks consist of 78 cards that, when properly interpreted, reveal information about you and your life. Tarot practitioners – also known as Tarot readers – use these cards to connect with higher self/intuition/inner wisdom so as to provide answers about any specific situations or questions about life that arise for their clients.
If you want to start reading Tarot for yourself or others, the best way to learn is by gathering your own deck and working your way through each card, recognizing its individual meanings and understanding their spreads. A book such as Sarah Bartlett’s The Tarot Bible may be especially useful; this provides a thorough exploration of its history, symbolism and how best to read it.
As soon as you’re ready to try Tarot reading for yourself, set an intention and pose a question before beginning. This will allow you to stay focused and open to receiving guidance from the cards during your reading. For optimal results, record each reading session so as to explore them further and their meanings.
Noting the reverse meanings of cards is often just as insightful, though newcomers should initially start with traditional meanings of each card before moving onto reversed forms as their knowledge expands.
Once you understand the basic structure and meanings of tarot cards, experiment with various spreads until you find one that meets your inquiries best. A three-card Past/Present/Future reading may provide insights into both where you have come from and where you may be headed in life.
If you’re feeling intimidated by how to start reading tarot cards, try starting off by asking general questions such as “What does my future hold?” or “How can I improve my current situation?” To open the floodgates of answers. As you continue practicing with the cards, your personal approach and intuitive abilities will deepen over time – becoming not just divination but an enriching spiritual practice which connects to both yourself and the Universe’s wisdom.
How to Do Tarot Readings?
Reading Tarot cards on your own may seem daunting at first, but with an effective plan in place it shouldn’t be too challenging to do.
Start by finding a comfortable, quiet space and setting the scene with music, lighting a candle or burning incense – whatever feels right to you. Next, shuffle your deck and connect with your energy.
Set the Mood
Set the scene before reading for yourself or someone else. Achieve this through creating an environment that feels welcoming and relaxing will help focus energy towards reading.
An effective reading process also includes creating a routine to follow for every reading, to keep yourself focused and avoid time wasting, missing steps or getting diverted by other thoughts.
Some readers like to write their question down before shuffling cards; this serves as an invocation to their spirit guides to assist with readings. Others might light a white candle and perform an invocation before beginning. A single card reading works well or you could choose multiple cards in what’s known as a spread for more complex situations; both options work equally well but more detailed spreads may prove challenging for beginner readers.
Shuffle the Cards
Once you’re ready to begin your reading, shuffle the cards and consider your desired question. There is no right or wrong way to shuffle; do what feels natural to you. When the deck feels sufficiently mixed up, begin dealing out readings.
Many tarot decks, like Rider-Waite’s, come equipped with an in-depth guide that can explain each card’s meanings. But for an even deeper exploration, Francisco recommends books such as The Tarot Bible: A Definitive Guide to Cards and Spreads or The Secret Language of Tarot to gain further insights into their history and symbolism.
Have you ever found yourself thinking about a song you loved only to hear it on the radio the following day? Tarot practitioners refer to these instances of coincidences as synchronicities – moments when life offers little gifts that connect our experiences. Tarot can be an effective tool to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom as well as provide guidance on creating positive changes both now and into the future.
Draw the Cards
Tarot readings can be an effective way to tap into your intuition and find answers within yourself. While there’s no definitive approach for reading cards, the following best practices will ensure you maximize each experience.
Start by setting aside time in an ideal, peaceful spot, removing distractions, and clearing your mind. Some may like lighting a candle or offering up an invocation before beginning their reading experience.
Select an open and direct question about your day or relationship issues; for instance “What should I know today?” or “How am I feeling about this?” are appropriate.
Once you’ve collected your cards, shuffle them before drawing. This will help channel your energy and focus your reading on answering your question more efficiently. For an initial reading you could pull one card at random; or select multiple cards for what is known as a spread reading.
Interpret the Cards
When it comes to reading cards, trust your intuition. Certain cards may trigger an intuitive reaction almost instantly or trigger something deep inside yourself; whatever its initial effect, write it down for later review.
Be wary of any reversals in your reading; these can add a whole new layer of meaning to any card and it’s crucial that you learn how to interpret them properly.
Once you are ready, select a spread that best fits your question and begin shuffling. As you shuffle, consider how best to answer the query you posed while thinking of your issue while shuffling so as to create as clear an intuitive reading as possible. Keep in mind that Tarot readings, like those from Tarotoo, provide guidance, not necessarily answers for all problems, so do not be afraid to seek assistance from trusted friends or expert Tarot readers; then take some time afterwards to reflect upon and incorporate what has been learned into your daily life – best wishes!